The Value of Data in Music Marketing

In the past, the marketing of music was relatively simple as one could promote their music to various radio stations and journalists. However, as the digital age has emerged it has brought with it a set of obstacles that did not exist ten years ago as social media and internet technologies have taken over the marketing of music it has evolved into a more complex situation.

There is no doubt that many in the music industry fear the change that has been brought on by the availability of free downloads and streaming music and many feel that this has crippled the music industry as a whole. Although, there are those that feel that it is a digital revolution that needs to be embraced, instead of feared.

In either case, young artists are discovering the power in digital media outlets and its ability to expose new listeners to their music on a previously unforeseen scale. With sites like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram & TikTok, young musicians can post their music in areas where it is bound to be shared with other users and this can lead to increased attention. If you are particularly in tune with what is happening, then you can derive conclusions based on the data that results from the number of views and downloads.

Nowadays, the newer companies in the music industry such as Spotify and Pandora, are focusing much of their efforts on analyzing the data that is received from users. Not only does this data add up to monetary figures but it also allows companies to view the various demographics and audiences that are listening to the music. By doing this, analysts can determine the best possible areas to market the music where it will reach the largest, and most interested audience.

Each genre of music has a different group of listeners and data can be used to separate these groups to find specific demographics to be targeted. The listeners of certain types of music will often check out websites that relate to the genre and this can give marketers the upper hand when deciding how best to reach the audience. Especially important in all of this is the video. When fans watch videos of their favorite artists they are more likely to make purchases and, in turn, closely follow that artist. Many musicians are now forming their own websites where they can promote videos and other related material that will engage fans.

Here are some tips on where and how to promote your music:
Spend one hour each day digitally marketing your music. This entails sending out messages via social networking platforms and posting videos on YouTube. Remember that it is vital that you do not hesitate by being shy, as this will only hold you back. There is always the chance for a video to hit it big and go viral.

Analyze the results that you are having from your marketing techniques. Look at the numbers and determine which strategies are paying off and which ones need to be adjusted or eliminated. Do not give up too quickly though, as it may take time for certain media marketing formats to catch on.

Ask your fans for feedback on the material that you have posted. After all, they are the ones that you are working so hard to make happy and there is a good chance that they will be able to provide you with valuable information. Take all criticism as being constructive.

Aim for the stars. Try submitting your material to the biggest music outlets and see if you get a response. While it will be far more difficult to get your foot in the door at the companies, if you do succeed the results could be very financially rewarding.

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